I Miss You

I struggle like a turtle
lying on its back.
My heart is healing oh so slow
wounded by the lack.

Of joy and love, of trust and faith
we shared in times of bliss.
But time continues anyhow
although the past we miss.

And all my force to hold us tight,
is just tearing us apart.
Will this be our ending?
Or did we never start?

To bridge the gap sometimes so vast
between two fellow souls.
To let two human hearts rejoice
and strive for common goals.

But memories are fading now,
and such is what we have.
I want to go back, yet don’t know how.
My heart is going deaf.

I pray that we will meet again
like in the days gone by.
I dry my tears and send my prayer
into eternal sky.

I hope that in the future
I can add a cheerful verse or two
But today right here and in this moment
I am just missing you.

... (more than 10 years later) ....

I realize that you were gone,
long before I was born.
Kicking and screaming I left the womb,
my heart already torn.

Too painful the memory,
so I had to forget.
Forget about you
and the place where we met.

You never had a name,
never saw the light of day.
Before you got a chance to shine,
your lfie had faded away.

But your presence,
it left an imprint on my heart.
Confused and yet blessed
I stumbled in the dark.

Looking for you wherever I went,
not knowing it was the start we spent
as close together as two cells can be.
There was no I no you, just we.

Tears flowing like waterfall,
The day I finally recall
The loss I never knew but always felt.

I miss you still - feverishly at days.
But nevertheless its time to part ways.

Not in my lifetime, not in this realm
But I feel that we will meet again.

Till then I have a life to live,
and so much love I wnat to give.

Farewll to you my vanished twin,
You will always be my next of kin.


© 2025 by Peter Ihme